All My Excuses About Meditation Debunked

Meditation has long been recommended for dealing with stress, anxiety, health issues. I think we have all of that and more rolled up into one with the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes in work, school, and family life. So we all should be meditating by now, right?

Over the years I have flirted with meditation. I’ve envisioned myself in a highly Zen place, above the fray, but quickly thought of reasons why I’d work on it another time. I know it would be good for me, especially now, so thanks to a blog by Luke Kingma on called ‘The No-Excuses Guide to Meditation‘, I’ve decided to face my excuses head-on.

See if some of these excuses sound like yours:

  • The Lotus Position – okay, so I’m no spring chicken and my legs will never do that. The Lotus position is not essential to meditation. Find any comfortable place to sit. It still works.
  • Sitting still makes me nervous – mediation on the move works too. Mindful walking can create all the benefits of being still.
  • I am a very, very busy person – no need to spend half an hour in a quiet, incense-filled room to meditate. Taking a moment for a slow, deep breath or two can create an amazing calmness.
  • Oops, I forgot to meditate today – keep meditation top of mind using visual reminders of things you use to meditate; set a reminder on your phone; do whatever it takes to remind yourself not to miss it. I can see my yoga mat from here.
  • My neighborhood is too noisy – I need a quiet seascape to relax – really? Even in a loud urban environment like mine, you can use noise-canceling headphones or soundscapes. I admit I have “spa music” on my Pandora playlist.

It’s not easy to stop or even slow down some of the voices in our heads when we are in survival mode, but it is possible. There is no need to start with an hour meditation session. A little bit at a time can work wonders. Keep at it – like a muscle, the ability to meditate grows stronger with continued use. Give it a try. Be calm and carry on.

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