Revolutionary Conversations Burn Out Blog

COVID! Pandemic! Lock Down! Enough already! We’ve been at this for over a year. We’re all tired! We’re all burnt out!

We know the feelings –

  • No energy or feeling exhausted all the time – getting to nap time is a highlight of the day.
  • Unmotivated to do even simple things – pajamas are the dress code and shaving/makeup are things of the past.
  • Negative and cynical – nothing is right and never will be.
  • Emotionally charged or completely neutral – angry, sad, melancholy, or “everything is just fine.”
  • Insecure, fearful, overwhelmed – second-guessing choices, fretful, and unable to see a way forward.

Any of this sound familiar? I can certainly relate and we’re in good company. A Forbes study reports that 75% of us are experiencing burnout and 40% of us relate it directly to COVID 19. Those are big numbers!

But there is an escape route. It starts with some small steps we can take to lift us out of the exhaustion of burnout.

Find your own space

With everyone home trying to work and study at the same time, there is hardly an open spot. Your space doesn’t have to be big. A chair set apart in a quiet space can work. An outside space, weather permitting, can create some distance. See what you can find. It might be good if each person – kids too – could find a small space to call their own.

Set boundaries

It is so easy to try to be everything to everyone. It’s also a fast track to deep burn-out. Start with work boundaries. It was hard to set boundaries in the office too, remember? Try to set some Zoom-free time to concentrate; talk to your employer about a flex a schedule to help manage other family commitments; establish on and off work hours; set expectations for responding to email/texts.

Limit exposure to people who drain rather than replenish your energy. Limit social media and news channels that feed your negative emotions. Give yourself a “stimulus-free zone” where you can breathe.


Structure the day – When we went to work, there was a structure to our day. Now it is more like either a whirling ball of chaos or a molasses swamp. Either way, consider setting at least a rudimentary schedule each day. Everyone responds well to structure, even children, who are missing the structure of the school day. It makes us feel more in control when we can anticipate certain things happening at a certain time. It’s not carved in stone, but it can keep things flowing.

Take care of yourself – Remember that commute? Repurpose some of that time to do something that regenerates your energy. Set aside and calendar time for yourself. If you are energized by people, find ways to connect as safely as possible with friends and family. If solitude brings you peace, think about a walk, meditation, journaling, listening to music. Whatever gives you joy, be sure you give that gift to yourself. You’ll have more energy, creativity, and positivity if you do.

Give yourself some grace. It’s okay to not be okay. We’re worried, overwhelmed, frightened, exhausted. Acknowledge what you are feeling. It’s amazing what a relief it is just to stop pretending to be fine.

Words matter

Our words define our reality. Do you know someone who is always bemoaning their situation? Doesn’t it seem that the more they talk about it, the worse things get for them? The converse is true too. The words we use are the signals our brains use to determine our emotions. When we use words like: “I’ve got this!” or

 “We can get through this.”

“I’ve got a plan to make this all work.”

“I am grateful for…” our brains respond by opening up the pathways to tackle the problems and feelings and find a solution.

Things can and will get better

Being in the throes of burnout is overwhelming. Unfortunately, we can’t flip a switch and get past it. But it’s not hopeless. Incremental steps can build the ladder we need to reclaim our lives. We have the capacity to solve problems, be successful, feel joy, we just need to get started moving in the right direction. Bumps in the road – for sure – but be kind to yourself and start again. The good stuff will add up. You’ve got this!

Copyright © 2021 Revolutionary Conversations, LLC. All Rights Reserved


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