Our Peaceful Voice

Our Peaceful Voice

Over the last several years, more than ever in recent history, there is a gap in being able to take action, speak our minds in a collaborative environment or stand up when it is blatant that wrongs are being engaged in. We have become more divided between right and...
A Companion Technology

A Companion Technology

There are many books filled with wisdom about communication. Each of us has developed skills to help us navigate the relationships in our work and personal lives. The beauty and strength in the S.H.A.R.E.™ Tools is that they don’t compete with any of this...
Why Three Authors?

Why Three Authors?

Occasionally, we’ve been asked why three authors for one book. Interestingly, it’s a question I’ve asked myself many times. In the beginning, some 30 years ago, Gloria Axelrod Goforth and I tried several times to produce a book and I’ve attempted to go it alone at...