How Can I Step into the Impossible?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

It’s also a question that many have asked me after my speeches, seminars and quite often as president of the United Nations Association.

I remember in one of my seminars, Mary asked how I was able to start my PR business. I recall saying I may have been scared to death but I did it anyway. I had made up my mind to go for it. And my secret: “I have no problem stepping out of my comfort zone”.

When I have made up my mind to step out, wonderful things start to happen. The incredible people I have met, the UNA events we created, (blog post: The Wisdom of Collaboration, When the Impossible Happens) clients I have worked with, and interviews-podcasts I have had with 60 peacemakers for the Rotary World Peace Conference.

I love watching the results I see when people try it. Mary actually started her successful home video business, helping families record possessions for insurance purposes. She told me later she was overjoyed at how the universe supported her once she made up her mind to go for it.

Just for a day you may want to try stepping out of your comfort zone, you’ll be amazed at what happens.