‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season

What if our gifts lasted all year long? This is the time of year when we think more about our friends and families. Share gifts and meals. Consider others in our community that might need some extra help. Businesses and individuals alike often choose to provide time,...
Power For Change Comes From Us

Power For Change Comes From Us

In my work with troubled or growth companies, the major challenge is helping people, owners, and all team members, embrace the idea that the power to make things happen lies with them. I was re-listening to my audio interview for the Rotary Peace Conference in January...
Why Three Authors?

Why Three Authors?

Occasionally, we’ve been asked why three authors for one book. Interestingly, it’s a question I’ve asked myself many times. In the beginning, some 30 years ago, Gloria Axelrod Goforth and I tried several times to produce a book and I’ve attempted to go it alone at...