The POWER OF PEACE™ Podcast, Barbara Gaughen-Muller interviews Senator Douglas Roche.

The Hon. Douglas Roche, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is an author, parliamentarian and diplomat, who has specialized throughout his 40-year public career in peace and human security issues. Douglas is a Member of Parliament, Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament, and Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta. In 1988 Elected Chairman of the United Nations Disarmament Committee at the 43rd General Assembly. Author of 22 books, he co-authored, with Dr. Robert Muller, Safe Passage into the 21st Century. He has written numerous books including The Human Right to Peace, Bread Not Bombs, and his latest is Hope Not Fear: Building Peace in a Fractured World. 

In this interview, you will see how his experiences as a young man and journalist traveling around the world on assignments through Africa, Asian and Latin America, he discovered that most the world is non-White, non-Western and non-Christian and as a white male, he is a real minority in the world.

  • Do we recognize that our world has many dimensions to it, many cultures? Are we appreciating the set of human rights that everyone is endowed with and the United Nations, through its declaration on human rights, which has opened that pathway for us to understand our relationship one to another and to the planet itself?
  • See why he believes that humanity is on an upward path and that we are making the world a better place. Right now we’re in a trough. it’s not a straight line going in one direction always to the improvement of the world. There are all sorts of hills and valleys and we’re going through a very, very difficult period now in which many people are confused and upset and feel that we’ve lost our way.
  • Listen and learn why he vigorously denies that we have lost our way. Why we need to recover the sense of vision that we had at the time when the cold war ended in 1989 and a new moment of hope arose with the fall of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the Soviet Union and the recognition by the United Nations of a common security agenda. So it is this common security agenda related to the universal declaration of human rights to not doing to others what we don’t want done to ourselves. Working together is an empowering way to advance through the trials and tribulations that we are now facing.

Visit his website at Douglas Roche O.C.