The POWER OF PEACE™ Podcast, Barbara Gaughen-Muller interviews Mark Dale Mazur who is passionate about helping people live an authentic and inspiring life aligned with their true nature. 

We all know we have a destiny. I think it’s the search of our life. Listen to see how Mark describes his vision for all of us to live our best lives, inspired lives driven by love for others. How can we have a positive attitude for others regardless of a person’s view, color, belief? Listen to see what he believes is possible. See what he says when I asked can this be a reality? His response: “I do think it’s possible, particularly when we discover really who we are truly, the essence of who we are.”

To discover who we are… how does it begin? “I think all of us should take time to go inward and discover for ourselves that inner voice that is there for each of us that has something to say.”

And finally, how do we get there? As Mark says “I think there are multiple paths, but probably the most powerful one really is meditation, learning to meditate, practicing the art of meditation and simply showing up for yourself in that way”.

Listen for Mark’s inspiration and the ways to find your true destiny.

Website: San Diego Wealth Management
Podcast: Health Wealth And The Pursuit of Happiness