In this episode of the POWER OF PEACE Podcast, Barbara Gaughen-Muller interviews Lynn Kitchen, creator of the Master Mentor Program and TV series. She is also a motivational speaker and an inspiring author.

  • Find out how relationships build our peace.
  • See how Lynn feels each human is inspired by each other by our relationships. Are we not in relationships, after all, to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth, to the planets? Is it all-inclusive and we are in this magnificent spiral universe where we’re being called to do more at all times and see how mentorship is that wonderful connection or relationship that helps us to rise, that helps us to quicken our energy and pulls us into higher ideals, higher thinking.
  • See how Revolutionary Conversations, the book, changed her life in just 10 days when she got the book. She says, “I’ve been studying it, underlining it, outlining it. See how even table of contents is life-changing and you know the tools, one of the tools, is to have someone speaking heart to heart.”

Website: DreamSculpt